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Or Simply Call us 478-348-6555

1542 Francis Bridge Rd
Davisboro, GA, 31018


We are a non profit youth home for boys 16 - 21 years old serving Georgia's at risk youth. We teach GED as well as a wide array of Vocational skills to our youth to help give them the skills to become successful & productive members of our communities.  

255- Compact Track Loader $72,000

Heavy Equipment Operator Trade

255- Compact Track Loader $72,000

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255- Compact Track Loader $72,000


Please Consider Supporting us by donating towards this Cat® 255 Compact Track Loader. With its vertical lift design, delivers extended reach and lift height for quick and easy truck loading. Its standard torsion suspension undercarriage system provides superior traction, flotation, stability, and speed to work in a wide range of applications and underfoot conditions. This piece of equipment will allow us to teach the function of running this type equipment for on the job readiness to ensure job placement.

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